Diet for gastritis: what you can and can not eat, nutritional rules

food for gastritis

A therapeutic diet for gastritis reduces anxiety and eliminates stomach pain caused by inflammation. A properly selected menu increases the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and normalizes digestion. Special diet for gastric gastritis includes treatment tables Nr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The choice of a particular menu depends on the acidity of gastric juice and the duration of the disease.

Table number 1, 4, 5 is presented in several variations. In the main diet number, they are defined in letters and used based on the severity of symptoms, the period of the disease (acute form, fading, chronic).

Organizing the right diet for gastritis means a complete review of your diet, the elimination of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. In the presence of this disease, the emphasis is on steam and boiled dishes. For any type of gastritis, it is forbidden to eat spicy, fried, fatty foods.

Healing diets for people with certain diseases were developed in 1929 by scientists. The diet system includes 15 main tables with options and fasting periods.

Food for gastric gastritis is organized taking into account the rules:

  • optimal vessel temperature;
  • food intake should be done at the same time, food should be partial, 5-6 times a day;
  • overeating is not allowed;
  • when choosing a diet, consider concomitant diseases;
  • alcohol, smoking is excluded;
  • you should refuse smoked, pickled, spicy dishes;
  • it is recommended to eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • it is necessary to chew food thoroughly;
  • it is better to refrain from snacking on the run;
  • drink juice no earlier than 30 minutes after eating;
  • boil food well.

This regimen has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and heals it. The menu for gastritis should be varied, include a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The patient does not need to starve to death.

List of medicinal products for gastritis

A therapeutic diet for patients with gastritis necessarily implies the use of wrapping food, which restores damaged mucosal cells. Foods rich in B vitamins are welcome. By the way, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a deficiency of these vitamins. Useful foods to eat for all forms of chronic gastritis:

  • oatmeal - a source of fiber, antioxidants;
  • vegetable oils - contain fatty acids, tocopherol;
  • dairy products (if well tolerated, do not cause bloating);
  • fermented milk products and beverages - normalize intestinal function due to the high content of beneficial microorganisms that help maintain healthy immunity;
  • ripe bananas - stimulate the production of protective mucus, are rich in B vitamins, magnesium;
  • berries - are better absorbed than fruits, with an increase in the production of secretory fluid, non-acidic varieties are selected;
  • white rice - has absorbent properties;
  • potatoes - normalizes metabolism, raw vegetable juice is used for medicinal purposes.

Proper drinking regimen will help alleviate the condition in case of deterioration and anxiety. The fluid improves intestinal motility and the functioning of the digestive tract, dilutes excess acid in the stomach. The volume of clean, carbonated water should be at least 1. 5 liters per day.

Characteristics of nutrition with high acidity

The gastroenterologist prescribes a diet after ph -metry - a diagnostic procedure in which the level of acidity of stomach contents is measured. It is usually done during an endoscopy.

Symptoms of acid gastritis can include heartburn, pain in the ribs and between meals. When inflammation occurs due to excessive production of secretory fluid, the menu of table number 1 is recommended.

To normalize acidity (pH level), the patient is prescribed a strict diet. Any pleasure in the menu can cause embarrassment and pain.

The list of allowed products that restore the mucosa and reduce stomach acidity is as follows:

  • liquid porridge;
  • lean soups;
  • side dishes - mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables, strong wheat pasta, well-cooked buckwheat, rice;
  • whether with lean meat and fish, whether;
  • cheese;
  • beef-based sausage;
  • dairy products;
  • sweet fruits, berries;
  • stale bread, crackers;
  • cheese casserole;
  • jelly, souffle;
  • for dessert - honey, marshmallow, jam, raisins, dried biscuits.

The menu should include butter and vegetable oil. The main dishes of meat and fish during the prayer can be cooked in whole pieces. Vegetables are used only in boiled form.

Fresh onions and garlic irritate the inflamed mucosa, so they should not be eaten for gastritis. Boiled, these vegetables are allowed in small quantities.

Poor tea, rose hips, milk jelly and dried fruit compotes are considered the most beneficial drinks for people diagnosed with hyperacid gastritis.

What not to eat with gastritis

List of forbidden foods for gastritis:

  • Salo;
  • petulla;
  • liver;
  • mushrooms;
  • margarine, spread;
  • Fast food;
  • Rye bread;
  • Heavy cream;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • spices;
  • fresh fruits (except bananas, sweet apples, pears);
  • radish;
  • ice cream;
  • confectionery;
  • baking;
  • Canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • salted cheeses;
  • cakes;
  • in the marinade.

With an exacerbation of the disease, you should limit the use of pasta, seafood, seeds, nuts. If, in addition to inflammation of the stomach, there is still a disease of the liver, gallbladder, then eggs are used as an ingredient in dishes. Eating them separately, in the form of an omelet, is undesirable for a combination of gastrointestinal diseases.

Allowed foods for hyperacid gastritis

Treatment in combination with a therapeutic diet that excludes dishes that increase the production of secretory fluid in the stomach will help normalize the level of acidity.

Diet therapy significantly accelerates the healing process with focal superficial gastritis. In most cases, minor damage to the mucosa can be healed with the help of medical menu and medication in 10-14 days. With deep lesions, it is recommended to eat properly for life.

List of foods that can be eaten for gastritis with high acidity:

  • Flour products. It is allowed to eat yesterday's wheat flour bread, elongated biscuits.
  • Cereals The most useful for the stomach are rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Puree vegetables. It is recommended to make salads from minced vegetables.
  • Eggs. They must be well cooked. You should eat eggs no more than 3 times a week.
  • Dairy products. They neutralize excess stomach acid.
  • Cheese of strong varieties and cottage cheese.
  • Lean meat. The most useful varieties for gastritis are turkey, rabbit.
  • Low-fat seafood and river. Pollock, cod, pink salmon, mortar, hake, dots are suitable.
  • Desserts. Allowed sweets include honey, jelly, marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallow. From baking, you can make casserole with cottage cheese.
  • Still mineral water.

Dietary characteristics for hypoacid gastritis

In people with low acidity, the digestive process slows down due to lack of enzymes. Symptoms of this disease are poor appetite, weight loss, pale skin, lack of vitamin.

Thick food provokes a deterioration. People with a hypoacid form of gastritis are forbidden to use:

  • peeled fruits;
  • berries with seeds - raspberries, strawberries, eggplants;
  • pure milk.

The list of foods for gastritis with high acidity is approximately the same as that of the hyperacid form. There are also differences in diet. With low acidity, it is allowed to use:

  • sour fruits, vegetables and berries (citrus fruits also belong to this group);
  • salted cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • fruit juices.

Special attention is paid to the chopping of food. It is advisable to take food in a quiet atmosphere, to chew completely. With low acidity, there may be intolerance to meat, milk, eggs. In this case, foods that cause discomfort are excluded from the diet so as not to provoke complications of gastritis.

To increase the level of acidity, they follow a diet based on increasing the production of gastric juice. Along with the permitted products, the doctor often prescribes the intake of digestive enzymes.

Diet with disease exacerbation

The menu is made based on table number 1a. Limitations are observed for 5-7 days. When the symptoms disappear, the diet gradually expands. If acute gastritis is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, the body needs more fluids. Water helps to restore water-salt balance. If the active phase of the disease is accompanied by pain and constipation, table no. 1b.

Approximate menu of diet table 1B:

  • First breakfast: steamed omelet from 2 eggs, oatmeal milk porridge, milk.
  • Second breakfast: milk.
  • Lunch: soup with pure rice milk, meat souffle cooked with mashed potatoes, apple jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: rose soup, crackers.
  • Dinner: steamed cheese souffle, fruit jelly.
  • At night: milk.

The diet for acute gastritis consists of liquid and ground foods that promote healing of the gastric mucosa:

  • raw soup with rice and oatmeal;
  • steamed kittens, soups with minced meat;
  • viscous porridge;
  • jelly;
  • weak tea

Characteristics of table number 5

When gastritis is combined with cholecystitis, liver disease, the patient is advised to keep the diet chart number 5. It is also prescribed for people with mild inflammation of the stomach. Diet restricts the use of foods rich in uric acid. The list of prohibited foods includes liver, yeast, canned fish, salmon, mushrooms, shrimp and mussels. Consumption of egg yolk should be limited.

Example menu for chronic gastritis

Recipes for gastritis dishes include various foods with prolonged heat treatment. The easiest way to stick to a particular diet is to design a rough menu in advance for the week ahead.

The daily rate of sugar is 20 g, bread - 250 g, butter - 20 g. The menu is created for 6 meals. Of these, 3 main are breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. For an afternoon snack, baked apples, pears, bananas, biscuits are allowed. From beverages, rose infusion, compotes are suitable. 2 hours before bedtime, drink a glass of milk or kefir.

Diet recipe

Most of the diet consists of liquid and chopped food. The recipes for the listed dishes are suitable not only for adults but also for children. A therapeutic diet for gastritis allows the use of baked products made from unleavened dough. The ideal option is biscuit cookies.

You should eat with gastritis regularly, in small portions and avoid overeating.

For breakfast with gastritis, porridge is best. Cereals are boiled well and simmer under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Barley, barley and pea porridge are prohibited for gastritis. The dish must be viscous or liquid in order to have a wrapping effect.

Pour the rice into 400 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat until the liquid is absorbed. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt to the porridge and slowly pour 400 ml of milk. The rice is boiled for 15-20 minutes. Cover the plate and leave for 5-10 minutes. Before serving, you can add a piece of butter to the porridge.

Soup recipe

puree soup for gastritis

Early courses include vegetarian soup. Rich soups increase the production of secretory fluid, so they are forbidden for people with high stomach acidity and ulcerative gastritis. The best options for the first course are liquid rice soup and vegetable soup.

To prepare oatmeal soup, you will need 0. 5 rolled oats, 600 ml of water, salt. Oatmeal is cooked for 10-15 minutes. Such a soup can be prepared with the addition of lleison - a mixture of milk and eggs. Added at the end of cooking. Beat the egg and 200 ml of milk in a separate bowl. The finished soup is filtered through a sieve. After that, it is beaten with a whip and brought back to a boil. The lezon is poured into a thin stream 5 minutes after the stove is turned off. In this case, the contents are constantly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Thin rice soup can be made with milk.


  • 55 g cereals;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar.

The rice is washed, boiled in water until half cooked. Then add milk, sugar, salt. Before serving, season with vegetable oil, crackers.

Dietary foods for gastritis include vegetable soup. For example, cauliflower soup. To prepare the soup, you need a little onion, carrot, 200 g of cabbage. Cook the vegetables for 15-20 minutes and then chop with a blender. Let the puree broth simmer, add 10% cream and turn off the heat. Sprinkle the herb on the finished dish.

Meat souffle

meat souffle for gastritis

The second courses are prepared from whole meat or minced meat. An alternative to steamed kittens is the meat souffle. For cooking, take 300 g of beef. Can be replaced with a rabbit, chicken. Better it is better to refuse pork and lamb for gastritis. Fatty varieties provoke a worsening of chronic inflammation of the stomach.

The meat is boiled until softened and chopped. In a separate bowl, beat 2 egg yolks and a tablespoon of sour cream. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained by adding warm, salted water to taste. It is not advisable to use water in which the meat is cooked, as the diet for gastritis excludes rich soups.

The mixture is dissolved in a butter-coated mold. The remaining egg whites are beaten with a mixer until a strong foam is created and added to the total mass. The soufflé is baked in the oven at 180 ° until a light crust appears.

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whether diet for gastritis

Boneless fish is passed through a meat grinder. Minced meat is combined with an egg, 1 tablespoon flour, salt. Small balls are formed from the resulting mixture. Fill the non-stick pan with ¼ parts water. The formed meatballs are immersed in boiling water and simmer on low heat for 25-30 minutes.

Vegetable stew

cooking vegetables for gastritis


  • cauliflower;
  • potatoes;
  • onions;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.

Pour a little water on the onions and carrots chopped on a grater and boiled. After 10 minutes, add the rest of the diced vegetables. The stew is boiled until it is soft. Cooking time 20-30 minutes. Olive oil is added to the vegetable stew before serving.


rice pudding for gastritis

To make rice pudding you will need:

  • 100 g rice and cottage cheese;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons sour cream 15%;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cereals are boiled in water with milk and salt, rubbed until smooth. Then add the rest of the ingredients, except the sour cream, and mix thoroughly. The pudding is cooked in a greased pan in a water bath. The finished dish is eaten with sour cream.

Fruit jelly can be made with jam, water and gelatin, following the proportions shown on the packaging. To prepare the dessert, you will need 2 cups of jam, 200 ml of water, 5 teaspoons of powder. Water with gelatin is placed in a water bath and heated to a liquid state, add jam. The contents are thoroughly mixed and distributed in molds. The gelatin is placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours to thicken.

oatmeal cookies for gastritis


Butter dough should be excluded during the therapeutic diet for gastritis. Authorized baked goods may be allowed during the waiver period no more than 1-2 times a week. Oats, biscuits and oatmeal cookies will become a substitute for buns for stomach ailments. Lean pancakes, baked goods and cheesecakes are also allowed.

Hercules Biscuits:

  • 200 g crushed flakes;
  • 200 g of fruit puree for children;
  • 40 g dried apricots or raisins;
  • Coconut flakes.

All ingredients are mixed and formed into flat balls. Bake on a baking sheet at 180 ° for 30 minutes. It is advisable to cover the form with parchment paper.

jelly for gastritis

How to cook jelly

Fresh berries and jam are perfect for making jelly. For 1 liter of drink, you will need 1 tablespoon of starch and 100 g of jam. Bring the jammed water to a boil, filter. The starch is dissolved in 100 ml of cold liquid and poured into the resulting syrup. Kissel should be cooked over medium heat. Moreover, it must be constantly stirred. The fire is extinguished as foams appear on the jelly surface.


For compote, you need a ready-made mixture of prunes, raisins, apples. Dried fruits are poured into the pan as the water boils. Cooking time is 15-20 minutes. You can make compotes from apples, berries not acidic.

By using healthy diet recipes, you can not only cure stomach ailments but also lose weight by a few pounds without harming your health.

The time to follow a therapeutic diet for gastritis will depend on the severity of the symptoms and the degree of inflammation. As a rule, it is recommended by the attending physician. The menu of diet tables is used to treat and prevent exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms, pain and discomfort in the stomach.